Wednesday, 22 June 2011

I got annoyed. Punched a wall. Fucked up hand. Here's how it happened..

Basically this month I've just been getting shit from absolutely everyone. And I'm sick of it. Let's take you to the start of the month.. 
I was going out with this guy, and honestly, he was the best boyfriend I have ever had, he seemed perfect. But like all good things, it came to an end, and after like a two weeks or so and actually proposed to me, with a ring and everything, he's fifteen!, He broke up with me, then that night told two of my close friends he liked them, then three days later we were going back out, then two days after that he broke up with me again, for the same reason the first time. Then, one day after this he asked this twelve year old guy out (he's fifteen). Me and this twelve year old guy are actually quite good friends, and to be honest, it made are friendship fairly awkward for a few days. Any, in the end they didn't go out, but he was basically asking if we could be 'friends with benefits', meaning each time I saw him we would still do all the relationship stuff, such as kissing etc, but that we didn't actually go out, I refused to do this, as it would just complicate everything. Then (when we wern't going out) he kept getting annoyed with me for not telling him I loved him each item I logged out, what the hell dude? The a few weeks after this, we decided that after my exams, we could start going back, (we would both have clear heads and be a lot less stressed). Then last Thursday I had a huge argument with him (the previous few weeks to this, I had been so stressed because of exams, that I had cried myself to sleep every night, so I really did not need any more stress). He was accusing me of flirting with this guy, who I am just good friends with, nothing more, then making me feel really really guilty by telling me if we didn't go out soon then he'd be depressed, and that he feels like shit, etcetc, and he wouldn't listen to a word I was saying about how if I cannot even handle the smallest of things (On the Wednesday I had cried for two and a half hours, simply because I had my picture taken and didn't like the photo)I cannot handle a relationship. He wouldn't take note of what I was saying, or how I was feeling. Then on Friday he tried talking to me as if nothing had happened at all, he denied previous things that I have proof of what he did. And now he's going out with this girl (she's the guy I sit next to in science's ex, so I married him on facebook for a banter). The worst thing is, is that he said he wanted a honest relationship because he's been fucked around so much, when our whole relationship was based on lies. Shortly after all this, I started getting texts, messages, inboxs, wallposts etcetc, of abuse from him, her, his friends, and his mum- yes his mum. She called me a silly bitch, and an immature fuck.
So anyway, as if this wasn't enough shit for one month, one of my 'best friends' decided it would be fun to give me more.  She called me fake, weird, childish, an attention seeker, and told me I was a bad influence. It's not so much what she said that hurt me, it's the way she said it.  She spread rumours about me, and insulted all of my friends that I ahng out with outside of school. The thing is she's a keyboard warrior. She knows if she would of said any of this to my face I would of punched her (violent person, easily annoyed etcetc). So since her face was no where near me at the time (what she said really threw me over the edge) I punched a wall. Hard. My hand instantly bruised, and swelled up. And now I'm known as 'fat hand' Joys.