Tuesday, 18 October 2011

-Hates life a little-

Hello there my pretty little stalkers.
So anyway, back to the title -Hates life a little- here's why;
1-I am behind on geography, English, biology and physics coursework.
2-I have a German writing exam in like two and a half weeks and it's 15% of my overall grade, and none of it will get into my head
3- I am failing maths, I'm doing a resit, and all the stuff I have to know, I don't. I'm also failing my additional maths class. I have the blankest look on my face the whole time.
4- Some people are really getting on my nerves, just constantly putting me down all the time, shoving their ideas of how I should be down my throat, not excepting me the way I am. etcetc
5- Family life isn't too great
6- Two/three reasons I don't want to say on here
7- And guy fails.

You get the picture><

Friday, 23 September 2011

Well, today was fun¬¬

Heyy there.
Today has been SHIT.
All last night I was awake coughing, sputtering, sneezing etcetcc. Woke up with a huge headache, feeling very very dizzy. Went downstairs, to tll my mother I felt like shit. Next thing I know I'm struggling to breath, and there's an ambulance outside. They take  my pulse rate. heart rate thing. (healthy is between 80 and 90- mine was 136) they take my saturation rate (healthy is 95-100, mine was 88). I get to hospital, and they tell me I also have a fever, and chest infection. They put me on steroids (I have to take six a day for five days).  If I'm still shitty in three days or so, I need to go back and get anti-biotics. And not only that, thy had to keep me there until my heart rate was healthy, after two and a half hours, and was still 126. I was there for a bloody long time I still feel shitty and clammy, I'm homebound for a few days, but at least I can breath I guess. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Well that's a bummer.

Gutentag du schon leute (Good day you beautiful people)
Well, guess what I did? I managed to get the guy I like, then three/four days later I break up with him. Call me crazy? I rushed into it waaay too fast, so I decided to end it, be friends with him, build on the friendship, then maybe go out with him in the future. Wise plan?
Anyway, not all is bad tonight. Look at this picture and laugh. Peace out. <3
P.s- I am too cool. (Y)

Thursday, 15 September 2011


As you can tell, I am in a fair good mood. The guy that I liked asked me out Yesterday, so yeah, I'm now going out with him (no shit). -Happy dances-
I'm so happy that I don't care that I'm already behind on school work (how I've managed that already I don't know xD). Also, I had a very weird day. I stayed behind school for an extra hour and a half, like the good nerd I am, then waiting for my bus, this elderly couple were having the funniest quarrel ever, I couldn't stop laughing at them:'3 then when I got home, I went out with a friend, and we went to the park (cause I'm cool and shit) and there was this guy there, who was quite.. odd. I tried to steal his hat, so he put it like covering hsi penis (HE WAS WEARING PANTS PEOPLE), and like moved it when I went to grab the hat, so i like pulled away quickly, and yaaahh. Then he was all like "It's okayy, if you touch it" I was like 'D:' then he kept slapping my ass with his coat sleeve ¬¬ then, when he walked me home, he hugged me, and I swear I felt every part of my body crack. But yeaahh, am happy:'3 

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Ohhaaiiderr my prettys, -backs away slowly-
Basically imma happy bitch right nows:'3 I'm meeting up with the guy I like tomorrow, and I am so bloody excited^-^ I'll blog you all how it goes:'3
~ Blog over, it's only a baby blog:'3 Speaking of baby, check out me as a baby ;D I would say sexy, but then everyone will be like 'paedo' so yeahh:/

Sunday, 11 September 2011

That Sunday feeling.

Iyyarr guyss, it's me again:'3
Okay, so basically, I have that Sunday feeling, I still have to do my German revision for a test tomorrow, and none of it will stick in my head, I have to copy up 17 pages of RE work (lost my book, and crazy strict teachers) and I have to iron my school clothes (silly ironing board is too high, and have get a stool out -cries-).
But what am I doing instead? LOLing at funny pictures and videos I found from three years ago (so I was 12).
Annnnd, if they have actually uploaded, you should watch them, they will make your Sunday feeling disappear for a short while. ^^ 
Heyythurr faggots.
I joke, shouldn't really insulted the very few of you reading this D;
Anyway, haven't wrote in a while, missed me?
I'm so fucking sleepy (am I allowed to say that on here?), but I had an amazing day Yesterday. I had dancing in the morning, practising for my silver medal test (dramatic noises), I then picked up my new glass (see picture), then I met up with the guy I have a wee crush on ;D. I was walking around with him from 12 till about ten (other people coming and going with us and shizz). Like nothing happened though, we just walked around aimlessly, (we went walking on the canal when it was all dark and cute and shit) but it was awesome. Buttt, uno problemo, he likes my bestbest friend, who by the way also has a blogger- adanitoremember (subliminal messing, naughty me ;D). Then because I was such a happy fucker (should really stop swearing), I whacked on a bit of all time low, and danced like a motherfuckeringbitch (there I go again, someone get me some soap?). And yeaahh, imma happy Izziiee:'3

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

I got annoyed. Punched a wall. Fucked up hand. Here's how it happened..

Basically this month I've just been getting shit from absolutely everyone. And I'm sick of it. Let's take you to the start of the month.. 
I was going out with this guy, and honestly, he was the best boyfriend I have ever had, he seemed perfect. But like all good things, it came to an end, and after like a two weeks or so and actually proposed to me, with a ring and everything, he's fifteen!, He broke up with me, then that night told two of my close friends he liked them, then three days later we were going back out, then two days after that he broke up with me again, for the same reason the first time. Then, one day after this he asked this twelve year old guy out (he's fifteen). Me and this twelve year old guy are actually quite good friends, and to be honest, it made are friendship fairly awkward for a few days. Any, in the end they didn't go out, but he was basically asking if we could be 'friends with benefits', meaning each time I saw him we would still do all the relationship stuff, such as kissing etc, but that we didn't actually go out, I refused to do this, as it would just complicate everything. Then (when we wern't going out) he kept getting annoyed with me for not telling him I loved him each item I logged out, what the hell dude? The a few weeks after this, we decided that after my exams, we could start going back, (we would both have clear heads and be a lot less stressed). Then last Thursday I had a huge argument with him (the previous few weeks to this, I had been so stressed because of exams, that I had cried myself to sleep every night, so I really did not need any more stress). He was accusing me of flirting with this guy, who I am just good friends with, nothing more, then making me feel really really guilty by telling me if we didn't go out soon then he'd be depressed, and that he feels like shit, etcetc, and he wouldn't listen to a word I was saying about how if I cannot even handle the smallest of things (On the Wednesday I had cried for two and a half hours, simply because I had my picture taken and didn't like the photo)I cannot handle a relationship. He wouldn't take note of what I was saying, or how I was feeling. Then on Friday he tried talking to me as if nothing had happened at all, he denied previous things that I have proof of what he did. And now he's going out with this girl (she's the guy I sit next to in science's ex, so I married him on facebook for a banter). The worst thing is, is that he said he wanted a honest relationship because he's been fucked around so much, when our whole relationship was based on lies. Shortly after all this, I started getting texts, messages, inboxs, wallposts etcetc, of abuse from him, her, his friends, and his mum- yes his mum. She called me a silly bitch, and an immature fuck.
So anyway, as if this wasn't enough shit for one month, one of my 'best friends' decided it would be fun to give me more.  She called me fake, weird, childish, an attention seeker, and told me I was a bad influence. It's not so much what she said that hurt me, it's the way she said it.  She spread rumours about me, and insulted all of my friends that I ahng out with outside of school. The thing is she's a keyboard warrior. She knows if she would of said any of this to my face I would of punched her (violent person, easily annoyed etcetc). So since her face was no where near me at the time (what she said really threw me over the edge) I punched a wall. Hard. My hand instantly bruised, and swelled up. And now I'm known as 'fat hand' Joys.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Okay, so basically, sexism is obviously a huuuge issue that seems to effect a lot of people everyday. Stereotypically it is believed that men are the breadwinners, and women should stay at home, doing housework and nurture for their children (if they have any). In my opinion, this is a load of bollocks. Oh, and whilst I'm on the topic, get in the kitchen and make yourself a sandwich lazy buggers. Also, what's this whole thing about women can't play football as well as men, or do certain jobs that men do, get over yourself, and open your eyes, this is the 21st century, stop living in the past><. Also many of you complain that you don't have girlfriends, maybe it's because you treat us like shit eh?
Anyway, before I get too tracked on men being sexist, us women can also be quite sexist too. Most of us complain that they spend too much time on their xbox's, or that they're all players, stop putting them under one roof, and open your eyes, there is plenty of nice guys out there.
Anyway, rant over, to conclude all this, no gender is the better gender, we are all equal, so grow up, and face the facts.
Izziiee xox

Friday, 4 March 2011

Is there such thing as a perfect family type?

In modern day society, you see many things on the news about the perfect family, but is there really such a thing? I mean there is so many different family types that exist now. Some of these are; Nuclear family, Lone parent family, Same sex parent family, Cereal-packet family, Reconstituted family, Beanpole family, Empty nest family/ Empty shell family, Extended family, Adopting family, Fostering family, Marifocal family, Blended family, Neo-conventional family, Dual-earner family, Patriarchy family. You get the point, there a lot of different family types, are any of them perfect? What makes a perfect family? Love? Happiness? Trust? All these things do, and we can have all these things in all family types. But we can also have mistrust, hatred and sadness in all of these family types to. According to the media, the perfect family type is the cereal packet family (A family that consists of A mother, a father and one/ two children). This is the family type we see in all the cheese-string, yoghurt etcetc adverts. But say if there was domestic abuse going on in this family, then it wouldn't be perfect would it? But yet, a lone-parent family, may not be seen so kindly in the media, yet there might be so much love, happiness etcetc in this family, surely then, you can't stereotype the perfect family, due to a family type. It's the people in the family that make it a perfect family.
So in my opinion, there is no perfect family TYPE, but there are perfect INDIVIDUAL familys.
Izziiee xox

Musical differences.

Okkayy basically, a while ago, I had a few girls coming up to me (naming no names- ceebs with an argument) and saying that I had shit taste in music, as they put it. And I actually get this quite often to be honest. (I listen to screamos, rock, metal etc). When people make trashy comments on my music style I actually get quite annoyed with them, and don't understand why they do it. 
But a few days ago, I myself was making trashy comments on a few peoples music styles (they were listening to Justin Bieber). I felt bad afterwards for what I had said, as I know how I feel when people do it about my music style. It's also made me realise that we aren't ever going to accept everybody's music styles, but does this mean that one's worse than the other? And should we all just grow up, and take note that everyone has musical differences. 
Izziiee xox

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


People these days are obsessed with labelling everybody. Just to give you an idea I shall name some of these stereotype groups, because once you see them all wrote out, your'll realise how extreme, and how far it's gone. Emo, goth, indie, mosher, skater, chav, slag, scene, punk, geek etcetc- and these are just the individual person, people are also stereotyped due to their religion, or where they live/ come from, gender, age etcetc. Another word for stereotyping is prejudice, which means pre judging somebody. A cliché term for this is 'judging a book by it's cover'.  Judging anybody for any reason is wrong, as song in a Paramore song 'next time you point a finger, I'll point you to the mirror'. However, no matter how wrong we know it is, we still find ourselves doing it all the time, but why? Maybe we don't agree with their morals, norms or values. But does this give us right to say what they believe is wrong? Because when it comes to it, are any of us right? What some people believe to be morally right, we might believe it to be morally wrong, but is this a good enough reason to judge them? I say that there is never a good enough reason to judge someone, and again, others would disagree with this.
Like I said earlier, although we know it's wrong we still do it, maybe because the media is constantly judging celebrities that we look up to and inspire to be like, and it also judges celebrities that we maybe aren't to found of. But either way, the media is always judging someone, and by saying this I'm judging the media? See, we all find ourselves doing it. 

Some would say 'emos' are idiots (this is just an example) and hey they're not, some might be, but then again some 'chavs' or some 'skaters' maybe idiots, we can't pin something down on someone just because they're a certain stereotype, or live in a certain place.
So anyway, sorry if I've confused you at all, but I just don't understand why everyone can't be accepting?

Lecture over.
Love Izziiee xox

Why are teenagers portrayed so badly in the media?

Okaayy, we've all read the stories in the newspapers, or heard them on the news. You know, the ones, about things like teenagers smoking, drinking, taking drugs, having under age sex, carrying knives etcetc. And because of these stories everyone seems to think that ALL teenagers are like this, and they tell us things like 'If they bring back the cane you wouldn't act like this'. Truth is society's moved on, and hey, you're the guys that raised us to be this way, remember that? However, not all teenagers are sex driven, drug taking maniacs, some of us can tell right from wrong. So don't put us all under one roof, we're not all bad kids. Some of us are going to play quite important roles in society once your generation retire, and hey guess what? Hate on us all you want, but just remember we're the ones who will be running your retirement homes.  
Love Izziiee xox

Keyboard warriors.

Okay I am the only one that hates the ability of people to 'go anon' when posting comments/ questions on these social websites? Basically I have this account on a little thing called formspring, and recently I've been getting 'questions' saying things such as; 'you a emo', 'please dont cut me' and 'die in a hole emo grl haha'. Firstly, if you're going to insult me, learn how to spell, and be grammatically correct would you? Thirdly, grow some balls and show you're name, you keyboard warriors. Only say to me that which you would dare say to my face. It's people like you that are making other people do things such as self harming, or turning depressed etc. Cyber abusing people is wrong, by doing this you are just a bully, and bully's are the lowest for of existence known.
Rant over, thank-you for reading.
love Izziiee xox

Monday, 28 February 2011

Getting to know me.

Ohhhaiirderr stranger:3 (Oooh, stranger, from the outside).
Okaayy, so this is my first blog, so please be nice to me, or I may just have to get my black belt ju-jitsu skills out on you. ;D
They're a few things you should probably know about me before you continue reading my blogs. 
First I shall tell you a few things I have done, that make people call me a failure. Reason 1) I once walked into a blind person, then blamed them for not looking where they were going. Reason 2) I've been hospitalised more than once, for shrinking my contacts onto my eyes by bathing with them in. Reason 3) I trip over my own feet ALL the time, and spend most of my life on the floor because of it. Okay I think you get the idea?
Like all girls I have obsessions, but, mine are quite 'different' to most peoples. My top five obsessions are; Braces, Nosebleeds, Toy Story, Alex Gaskarth and Faeries. 
But again, like all girls, they are a few things at annoy me. These include; people who 'tlk lyk dis', people who bully my height (I'm 5ft1 and fully grown you see D;) and people who walk dead slow in-front of you when you're rushing.  
Anyway, I don't understand jokes or sarcasm, so any comments containing these will go straight over my head. Thank-you for reading.(:
Ohh and check out my bestest friend Emilys blogs, or I will hurt you ;D Shessoemily.blogspot.com 
Love, Izziiee Light-Year xox