Friday, 4 March 2011

Musical differences.

Okkayy basically, a while ago, I had a few girls coming up to me (naming no names- ceebs with an argument) and saying that I had shit taste in music, as they put it. And I actually get this quite often to be honest. (I listen to screamos, rock, metal etc). When people make trashy comments on my music style I actually get quite annoyed with them, and don't understand why they do it. 
But a few days ago, I myself was making trashy comments on a few peoples music styles (they were listening to Justin Bieber). I felt bad afterwards for what I had said, as I know how I feel when people do it about my music style. It's also made me realise that we aren't ever going to accept everybody's music styles, but does this mean that one's worse than the other? And should we all just grow up, and take note that everyone has musical differences. 
Izziiee xox

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