Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Keyboard warriors.

Okay I am the only one that hates the ability of people to 'go anon' when posting comments/ questions on these social websites? Basically I have this account on a little thing called formspring, and recently I've been getting 'questions' saying things such as; 'you a emo', 'please dont cut me' and 'die in a hole emo grl haha'. Firstly, if you're going to insult me, learn how to spell, and be grammatically correct would you? Thirdly, grow some balls and show you're name, you keyboard warriors. Only say to me that which you would dare say to my face. It's people like you that are making other people do things such as self harming, or turning depressed etc. Cyber abusing people is wrong, by doing this you are just a bully, and bully's are the lowest for of existence known.
Rant over, thank-you for reading.
love Izziiee xox

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